Using the Shield mobile app

The Shield mobile app gives you an off-line copy of your plan in the palm of your hand.  Concerned about no connectivity?  Not a problem when you have an off-line copy of your plan on your mobile device. 
  1. Download the app from the app store on your phone by searching for ‘KingsBridge Shield’.
    1. iPhone/iPad

    2. Android/Tablet

  2. Once the app has finished downloading, open the app.
  3. At the login screen, enter the email address and password that you use to login to the Shield website.

Syncing your plan:

  1. On an iPhone: You will now see a spinning dial at the top of your screen indicating that the app is syncing.  This will continue spinning until all your plan information has fully synchronized to your phone.  The larger your plan(s), the longer this initial sync will take.

  2. On the Android: The app will fully sync your plan in the background.  It is recommended that you go into the Application Manager on your phone and manually force the app to sync.
Keeping your plan up-to-date:
  1. On an iPhone: It is recommended that, at least once every 30 days, you open the app on your phone and drag your finger down on the plan menu page.  This will update the plan content on your phone.
  2. On an Android: The app will continually sync in the background.  A manual force sync should not be required, however if you know that many changes have been recently made to your plan, you may wish to use the Application Manager to manually force the app to sync.
Other notes about the Shield mobile app:
  1. If you change your password on the Shield website, you will also need to change your password on the mobile app.  The app will not allow you to login until you enter the new password.
  2. The app provides a read only copy of your plan.  Any edits must be made through the Shield website at
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