Creating a Custom Documents Folder

Creating a custom documents folder gives you the ability to share documents with a subset of people who might not be on your specific response team. 
  1. Login to your SHIELD account:
  2. Navigate to the Documents module; click “Supporting Documents” on the homepage or select “Supporting Documents” from the drop-down menu in the top left of any other page.

  3. Click on the arrow icon to the right of “Your Document Folders”
  4. Select “Add a New Folder” from the fly-out menu.
  5. Give this new folder a name and click “Create Folder”.
  6. The new folder can be found in the list of folders in the left hand pane.
  7. Select the new folder and click the arrow icon to the right. In the fly-out pane select either to “Upload a Document”, “Edit Folder Permissions” or “Remove this Folder”.

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